Rama Dismisses Sita

Looking intently at Sita, who stood bowing at His side out of shyness, Rama began expressing the feelings in His heart: “O blessed lady, you stand here regained by me after killing My enemy on the battlefield. I have done whatever should have been done by human effort. I have reached the end of my indignation. The offence has been expunged. I have simultaneously obliterated the disrespect and the enemy. Today my manliness has been seen. Today my effort has become fruitful. Today I have fulfilled my vow. Today I am master of myself again. I, a human being, have righted the wrong ordained by destiny by which you were abducted by a fickle-minded rakshasa while you were alone. What is the use of prowess, however great, of a less-intelligent fellow who does not expunge an insult with his own might? The praiseworthy deed of Hanuman whereby he jumped across the ocean and destroyed Lanka has borne fruit today. The exertion of Sugreeva, who with his army displayed prowess on the battlefield and gave good advice, has today borne fruit. The exertion of Vibhishana, who rejected his faulty brother and came to Me personally, has today also borne fruit.”

After hearing Rama speak these words, Sita, whose eyes resembled those of a deer, was bathed in tears. As Rama looked at His beloved nearby, His anger became even greater. He shone like a fire into which a great quantity of clarified butter had been poured. Wrinkling his eyebrows and looking sideways, He spoke in the midst of the monkeys and rakshasas:

“I did whatever was possible for a human being to expunge the offence committed against me. I did this by killing Ravana, desirous as I was of vindicating my honor. Although you are difficult for ordinary living beings to approach, I have won you back, purified as I am by austerities, just as the sage Agastya conquered the southern region. Let it be known that I did not carry out this war effort with the help of my valorous friends for your sake. Bless You. I did so in order to protect my good conduct and wipe away the criticism coming from all sides and the insinuations against my famous dynasty. Standing before me, though your character is in doubt, you are very displeasing to me, like light to one with sore eyes. Therefore, you may now go wherever you wish, O daughter of King Janaka. Here are the ten directions, O good lady. I have no other use of you.

“What real man born in a noble family would take back a wife who had stayed in the house of another man, just because she was affectionate to him? How could I, who boast of my great lineage, take you back, when you were held in Ravana’s lap and scrutinized with wicked glances? I have accomplished the purpose for your rescue. I have no more attachment for you. You may go as you wish. I have spoken this way just now after making up my mind. Set your mind as you wish on Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, Sugreeva or the rakshasa Vibhishana, or do whatever pleases your mind. O Sita, after beholding your divine and captivating beauty, Ravana could not have restrained himself very long while you were staying in his home.”

Being accustomed to hearing pleasing things from Her husband, when the proud lady heard these unpleasant words, She shed tears and cried loudly for a long time. She then resembled a forest creeper pulled down by the trunk of an elephant.

Thus completes 115th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate